Speaking Russian Podcast
Learn Russian Language. Free Audio Lessons.
Learn the basics, simple Russian words and phrases.
To learn more about the Russian language and culture read the articles and follow Speaking Russian on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram, where you can also find lots of notes on Russian Grammar and Pronunciation.
Speaking Russian Advanced. Let's Read Together.
Anna Karenina. Leo Tolstoy.
Listen to "Anna Karenina" in Russian.
Transcript of the Summary Chapters and original text in Russian.
Each chapter of the novel is narrated in Russian and comes with a short summary of the chapter in English.
Speaking Russian 1 (SR1)
Speaking Russian 1
(Lessons 1-10. Lesson notes)
also available in Kindle format
Speaking Russian 2 (SR2)
Speaking Russian 3 (SR3)
24. Counting in 10s from 30 to 100.
Speaking Russian 4 (SR4)
32. Go straight on. Go left. Go right.
34. Numerals from 200 to 500 .
35. Numerals from 600 to 1000.
39. Are you getting (off) the bus?
Speaking Russian 5 (SR5)
42. No, I don't speak Russian.
45. Moscow doesn't believe in tears.
Speaking Russian 6 (SR6)
60. I have 2-3-4 daughters/ sons.
Speaking Russian 7 (SR7)
Speaking Russian 8 (SR8)
76. What would you like to eat?
77. Ladies ask Gentlemen to dance.
78. In a restaurant.Vocabulary.
Speaking Russian 9 (SR9)
Speaking Russian 10(SR10)
Speaking Russian 11(SR11)
107. Nationalities in Russian.
108. Questionnaire in Russian.
Speaking Russian 12(SR12)
Speaking Russian 13(SR13)
122. How do you like the weather?
127. Informal phone conversation.
Speaking Russian 14(SR14)
Speaking Russian 15(SR15)
Speaking Russian 16(SR16)
Speaking Russian 17 (SR17)
176.1. НАДЕЯТЬСЯ - to hope.
177. Book a taxi - 1.
Speaking Russian 19 (SR19)
182. Do you know a nice place to eat?
183. In the morning.
183.1. ПРОДАВАТЬ - to sell.
184.1. УЧИТЬ - to teach, learn.
Also available at any of these digital stores:
Speaking Russian Podcast on YouTube
Audio lessons with Transcript, Cyrillic Spelling and Translation of the words.
Dialects in the Russian Language. Or why МОЛОКO (milk) is pronounced as [malakO]. In the podcast I speak in Moscow dialect. Why is it Moscow dialect? Firstly, Moscow dialect is considered to be the model of pronunciation...learn more
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Mister or Comrade? You are in the middle of Moscow or any other Russian city and want to ask for directions. What will you call a person in the street, the person you don't know?...learn more
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The Russians don't smile. Why? A lot of people coming to Russia notice that Russian people don't smile very much. If we don't smile at everyone it doesn't mean that we are unhappy, sad or rude...learn more.
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Ты (you) and Вы (you) in Russian. What is the difference? Why is the pronoun Вы (you) written sometimes with a capital "B"?...learn more.
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The Very First Russian Language Lesson. How do we usually start our studies with the students who are complete beginners?...learn more.
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"How long will it take me to learn the Russian Language?" I hear this question almost every time when I meet a new student...learn more.
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Letter "Ы" in the Russian Language. "We should eliminate this disgusting letter. It's an idiocy"...learn more.
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A few facts about Russian letter "Ё". Is it Лев or Лёв Толстой?...learn more.
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GRAMMAR. Is 1 EUR in Russian Один евро, Одно евро or Одна евро?...learn more.
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GRAMMAR. Gender of Russian Nouns (general rule) ... read more.
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